Feb 7, 2010

CCI. Activity 3. Paragraph 2

This is your chance to try again, this time choose the topic you want. Use some of the connectors found here to improve your text. We'll check your paragraph in class on Monday Feb 8th. Remember class will be 2-4 PM on M-W.

See you then!



Unknown said...

Ever since I was a little girl, I have practiced some sports. I have good reasons to exercise. In the first place, it allows you to be healthy. In addition, it helps you perform your activities with energy and enthusiasm.

Actually, the tecnology is a necessary tool for the school. First, the computers allow you to do homework efficiently. In the same way, you have access to the internet from anywhere. Accordingly, the tecnology is an advantage for the students.

karen vega said...


Student, class, books, ideas, homework, classmates, learn.
The universities prepare you for labor life.
In the school, the classes are more difficult for lazy people.
The classmates in the school are very supportive, when you try to do your homework or take a test.
But, a school very demand can to spend your time, that you have a job.
You have stress when final tests are close by.

The University prepare you for labor life. Then in the school, the classes are difficult for lazy people. Even though the classmates are very supportive, when you try to do your homework or take a test.
On the other hand a school very demand can to spend your time, that you have a job. Besides you have stress when final tests are close by.

Alicia said...

The university is in my experience the best period of your life. Because is when you know other persons or people, other places, whit other costums.
The estudent commitae organize a welcom party for the new student. In the classroom the diferent teachers teach you topics of the actuality, and tecnology, Along Whit sport activits for example futball, soccer, voleiball, basketball.

Unknown said...

I think that travel is an important way to learn another culture, the fact to visit a country different to our culture, we can see different forms to think, to speak, to live.
In my experience, when living at France, I had the opportunity to travel and to take experience different cultures, countries and people, which allowed understand how they think, moreover, understood how different they can be. On the other hand, I know the museums, galleries where I learned much about art.
In conclusion, the travel experience helps us learn things that reading a book would not have learned.

dix said...

subject: religion
Brain storm: positive and negative reasons about religion.

I think religion is an important costum in the society because, in my particular opinion it's a strong moral brake; I mean, the religion makes people do the ethically correct and gives spiritual support to the people.

On the other hand, i think the church as a cult, it's like an enerprise because even though not in all the cases it apply, if you take an account that at list in catholosism, weddings, christening, etc.. are pre paying this activities genetate extraordinary earnings without counting the charity, this is a similarity between church and a company.

Patty_Mags said...

Music is more than just words rhythmically read them. Sing or write a song is another way to express feelings for someone that you love or want to say thanks, sorry, etc. Something else you can express with music is if you are agree or disagree at any situation that is happening in your life, job and anywhere in the world. Music is one of the best ways to speak up with no offense intended.

There are many types of music and each one lets you take different emotions. Some makes you feel happy, some others sad, romantic… In fact there are some kinds of music that allow you to remember or get relaxed. On the other hand music can help people to practice other languages by listening and getting a better pronunciation.