Share the story of a memorable experience... here's mine to begin with.
Have you ever been camping?
When I was younger I used to go camping quite often. About 13 years ago I went with a group of friends to a place called "El Cielo" in Tamaulipas. We had everything prepared to stay there for two nights. We had our camping equipment, food and some water. We didn't know the place well, so we got lost on the way up. It was late, and it was getting dark, we could hear the coyotes howling. We were a bit worried because we couldn't find a good place to set our tents. Then, out of the blue, two pick-up trucks and a jeep passed by... there were lost (and a little drunk too), and they offered us a ride back to the camping site. It was risky to accept the ride in the back of a pick up truck driven by a stranger, who was also drunk, but in that moment we thought it was better than staying there in the middle of nowhere. So we jumped in the back of the pick up and prayed for a safe drive down the hill!! Fortunately, we made it safe and sound... we were really lucky. The next day we ran out of water, so we had to drink from a spring where cows and other animals also drank. At first it was disgusting, but we were so thirsty that we didn't care much. Same thing with the food, so we had to eat beans with some soil too, hehe. Anyway, the place was really beautiful and we had a great time. My friends and I still remember that trip as one of the most fantastic and fun camping experiences ever!
Have you ever been a safari?
When I was 4 years old , my family and me went to Puebla to visit my aunt, and then she took us Africam Safari. This trip was very cool because we were on our car while we were watching the animals,and then the monkeys climbed to the truck; for this reason the trip has to be with closed windows and you couldn’t stop the car. I also ride llama and we took us pictures with dissected lions.
The crazy bus driver
When I was a child, I was playing every single day, well every weekend I was playing soccer whit all my friends. The street became in a soccer court. So each time that that the ball was going to the avenue, I was running for it. One time the ball was it too speed and when I got it, a bus passed after my leg in a second, I said: wow!, and the bus driver looked me very angry. Well this my experience, I hope that like you.
Have you ever swum with a shark?
Last year I was on holiday in Cancun. When I arrived there the first places that I visited were Xcaret, which is an exciting site to practice various activities such as snorkeling, scuba diving, or simply swimming with dolphins. Another place that I could visit was Xel-ha, that is also a place where you can practice all these activities. However, the most exciting experience occurred when I took a ferry from Cancun to Isla Mujeres, at the moment that I arrived a crowd of people was watching a shark, which was next to the port. Suddenly, I thought that it would be a great idea takes a picture hugging the shark. That experience has become one of the most exciting things in my life.
Gonzalo Gonzalez
One day I was walking up the bike with a friend
And as always gave a little tough.
After take a walk a while and leave my house to my sister decided to go downtown
When a curve that had a lot of loose gravel skidding the bike to me
And I scrape all.
It was a very unpleasant experience, then lift the bike and went to my house and the rest is history.
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