Jan 25, 2011

English 2. Unit 2 The World Is Fat

Read the article in this website. Read also the comments and then prepare your own and share it here. This activity is due January 31st.


Andres Garcia said...

In the last years, the overweight became a global problem, specially in Mexico, Unated States. The world leaders have to do somethingo to lessen the obese people in all the countries of the world.

Anonymous said...

I think that the main problem of fat people is their genetics.In Mexico, that is ranked in the first place of obese and overweight residents, that since the native population or before the Spanish conquest, the diet is conformed of high calorie food. We can’t forget the lack of physical education in the Mexican society provoking people to become fatter. Laura Mayela Tovar

Anonymous said...

In the present century, one of the more important problems is the obesity and the overweight in the population. One of the causes is the larges portions of food that the people eat. The favorites foods that the mexicans like are in base of fat and is a problem beacause we aren´t received a good education of a healty diet.

Miguel Villarreal

Anonymous said...

The overweight is a problem, because it can seriously affect a person's health.
I think the first solution would be for parents to learn healthy lifestyles and teach their children the proper ways to eat and keep active. They need to stay away from fast food and incorporate fruit and vegetables into their diet.

Damaris Garza

Anonymous said...

All is fault of the deparment of education because, it look's like they don't care about giving a good class of physical education I think they belive that it's not realy necesary, that is a waste of time but, obviusly, that's not true, now we are living the consecuences of their ignorance.

Gustavo Ruiz Cano

Anonymous said...

Recently, Mexico is ranked as the first country overweight. And I think that it's because thanks to technological advancement the people become lazy. They don't do exercise because their style life is more comfortable, or they have pretexts based on "I don't have time". I think it's just laziness. Also, the mexican diet is based in high calories, the mexican eats dishes like tacos, tamales or fast food (like americans). And the worse thing is that the fat people make their sons like them, with a bad diet. I think it's better for you to have a balanced diet and walking everyday is healthy for yourself, because the fat people suffers for many diseases because of their weight. D:

Johana Hernández;*

Anonymous said...

The overweight is a problem because it brings a lot of diseases to our health.
I think that we should start by getting a good diet and making some exercise, in order to fight the over weight so once we did that we can teach this health culture to our children.

Anonymous said...

Well, I think that to say that the obesity is big problem that affect us, is not important. Is obviously that all the people know the size of it trouble and even so, the eating habits of the persons does not change. We don´t put the special attention to it. Therefore, we need to take conscience and star the beginning of a new style life. But, how to change you style life? Probably there isn´t a good answer to that, but maybe to learn do exercise is the start of something new.

Anonymous said...

Well, I think that to say that the obesity is big problem that affect us, is not important. Is obviously that all the people know the size of it trouble and even so, the eating habits of the persons does not change. We don´t put the special attention to it. Therefore, we need to take conscience and star the beginning of a new style life. But, how to change you style life? Probably there isn´t a good answer to that, but maybe to learn do exercise is the start of something new.

Diana Murillo said...

I think that obesity problem is caused by changes in lifestyle of people. Besides all the diseases that can be caused by this health problem, the most serious consequence is reflected on the children. Our grandparents and parents used to play in parks or gardens, they were physically active, however, children today spend much time doing nothing, creating sedentary habits that cause changes in metabolism that end up as obesity problems. It would be very beneficial for everyone if we take this problem on our hands, we could prevent many diseases.

Luis Morantes said...

Unfortunately it is true, Mexico is the country number one on overweight in the world. I think the current lifestyle of the people is the main cause of this problem: A very fast lifestyle, excessive use of technologies and other things.
The overweight problem can be resolved doing some exercise all the days and having a better diet. If we don´t do this, probably the diseases related with the overweight will be more common than what they are today.

Anonymous said...

I think that the obesity problem lies in the genetics. A lot of people had had this problem since they were born. The obesity and the overweight have made Mexico one of the principal countries overweight of adults and kids. The solution would be eat more vegetables, healthy food, drink two litters of water at day, minimun do 30 minutes of exercise, among others.

Victor Proa

Anonymous said...

The overweight is a problem that need to be attended, it's a health problem that affects lots of people in the world and what makes this problem even more serious is the fact that is going to increase in the near future. If we don't take the necessary measures, soon in the future we will face an enormous health problem.
Carolina Vera Becerra.

Anonymous said...

The problem of the overweight in mexico is something serious that what causing this one is that the persons of mexico suffer different diseases because of the obesity, the government must act rapidly to end this problem

Erasmo Carlos Cervantes

Anonymous said...

The problem of the overweight in mexico is something serious that what causing this one is that the persons of mexico suffer different diseases because of the obesity, the government must act rapidly to end this problem

Anonymous said...

I think that the obesity is the worst problems in the world because the people with this suffering have many diseases as:diabetes, blood pressure, fatigue, osteoporosis, among.
Currently the most affected are children, I think it should campaigns to combat overweight with more sport and healthy eating. the most recommended start at home, teach parents to care for their children and keep them as healthy as possible.

Be demolished bad habits and a sedentary lifestyle!

Karla Yarelli Treviño Arevalo.

Luis Guerrero said...

The overweight and obesity have been rising since, as is a time where people are busy in a hurry or doing various activities or otherwise are sedentary, do not pay attention to healthy food and exercise. So in these times has increased obesity rates. All this would be solved if people just give a little time to take care and good nutrition. Just put aside their sports activities for just a moment, and made to exercise at least once a day.
But for this to happen people have to be aware of the damage that overweight and obesity causes at each one of them.


Obesity is a serious problem that has been growing in the last decades. I think that the main cause of obesity is the addiction to work. People want to have more and more money, so they work more and more time. It makes them to eat whatever, and not to do exercise. This "eating whatever" and not doing exercise makes them to get fatter.
In my opinion, the only solution to this problem is to change the habits. We need to spend more time in ourselves, and to give the importance to our food time and physical exercise.

Anonymous said...

The Obesity.

The last years,had been raise te quantity of people dad has overweight in the world. The people need to think about and they have better diet and they do exercises all days of the week. The parents have the responsability to give a good education nutrimental to the children.Is the best option to fight the overweight.

Martin Saide

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

The overweight in many cases depend of genetic facts that cause is a incorrect acumulation of fat in the body. Other cause is the bad alimentation with much quantity of fats. ¡CHANGE US!
¡BEGING TODAY!, because tomorrow is late and the consecuens are many and dangerous

Anonymous said...

It‘s really sad reading this article and finding that Mexico is the first in the list. Today many people die because of overweight or obesity, so it’s very important to know that it is a big problem. We need to find solutions, for example trying to change food habits, I know that is difficult but we really need. The new generations waste your time in front of TV or computer; we need more activities that help our health. If we don´t do anything about this problem right now, we are in more problems than now we have.

**Gaby Dominguez

Anonymous said...

It´s a shame that Mexico be in this ranking, this country could be better, all people have the opportunity and responsibility of make the change, bringing a happy and healthy life style. We can decide what kind of life want to live. The government doesn´t have fault, our parents neither, we can find the only fault inside us. Its time of change, its time of reflections, it’s time to do diet. If you want to live, you have to get exercise.

Anonymous said...

It´s a shame that Mexico be in this ranking, this country could be better, all people have the opportunity and responsibility of make the change, bringing a happy and healthy life style. We can decide what kind of life want to live. The government doesn´t have fault, our parents neither, we can find the only fault inside us. Its time of change, its time of reflections, it’s time to do diet. If you want to live, you have to get exercise. Gerardo Silva Treviño

Anonymous said...

Overweight is not an insolated problem. How many people you can see with this issue everyday?
Regardless of stadistics, everyone know al least one person with overweight, fron familiy, friends, classmates, among others.
In my opinion, that is the real problem. The people around us is becoming sedentary. Of course, if I don´t put the example of a healthy lifestyle, people will not change their bad habits. Then, I will invite my family and the people close to me (especially children), to start a single routine of exercise in the park, to eat more fruits and vegetables and to read for a better healthy culture. That can be the start of a new healthy lifestyle and you can do it!!!

Fabiola Talamantes Bañuelos