Sep 15, 2011

English 3.Unit 4.Writing: How to...

This is your chance to share in a 8-10 sentences paragraph you HOW TO...something. This activity is due September 20th.


Cecilia Quiroga said...

How to be a better person?

Nowadays people are very busy, so we use to forget the small things that cause good impressions and make you feel like a better person. As simple as if the guard in your school says “good morning!", all days try to produce a change in your mood. These are only small actions; but in practice, those could make a big change in your life. To realize good actions transforms you in a better person, this is a quality not confirmed by other people; in the other hand, it can only be confirmed by yourself. There are manners to achieve the goal of being a better person; one of them is making small actions during your day.
The small actions seem like nothing; but when you practice them during the day, seems like a great change that you create in your environment. Actions like letting that a car crosses to your line, opening the door to another person or picking up a pen that felt on the floor, are so simple but their effects are extremely positive. A great example could be when you see a cell phone on an empty place; there are two possible options: do nothing or give it to a person that could find the cell phone’s owner. If you follow the second option, you will feel comfortable with yourself. The time that you invest in simple but good actions is very short, and at the end it’s going to have a great will, so it’s worth it. Whereas more positive actions you put in practice, a better person you will become.

Thelma Ibarra said...

Thelma Ibarra

How to find the meaning of life?
What is happiness? What is to give meaning to life? Many people tried to find answers to these important questions. The truth is that occasions people do not find meaning in life. They believe that life is just a cycle like being born, grow, reproduce and die. Not at all enjoy this life. And excuse to say that life is not real life living with this problems such as insecurity,wars, famines and economic problems. So try to life without really enjoy it. But life is a precious gift is like a beautiful gem and watch should be assesed differently. We can find meanining to life whitout the problems donot let us down too much and find positives to them. Learning to cope and live with the problems an adress them with maturity that is what really help us find true happiness. Donot neglect our love ones living life like the last day we have left. Enjoyed!! That´s what we really needed to find life felt.

omar vazquez said...

how to know what is a healthy body?

Bodies come in all shapes and sizes but for teens the pressure to conform to a highly idealized body type can be overwhelming. Everywhere teens have listened about body size expectations that are not only unrealistic but often unhealthy. Some people are tall, some are short, some people have curvy figures, others are straight and some people are naturally thin while others are genetically programmed to hold on to fat. So just what is normal?It is important for teens to be encouraged to develop healthy attitudes toward their bodies. Teens should be taught that the ideal body is a healthy body.All body types are beautiful. The only time teens should worry about their body is when it is unhealthy. Teens should be taught that obesity is unhealthy but not ugly. They should be reminded that skinny bodies can be unhealthy too.
In conclusion, a normal body is a healthy body and what is healthy varies from individual to individual.

Anonymous said...

How to be a better student!
Nowadays the young people is no longer interested in learn different topics about cultures, languages,etc. Because they maybe think that is very complicated or don´t have enough time.
The students think that the best way of learn different kind of topics are memorize them. But it´s an error because when you memorize the topics, the information only is in your head temporarily; for example when you have an exam and the subject is very difficult you can memorize the information and pass the exam but when the time exam pass you won´t remember that information or the topics very well.
On the other hand I think that te best way that the students can learn very well about different topics is elaborate a strategic technique. In the first step, the tipical student has to organize his time where he assist to his class and here ask his deubt. But don´t forget that the most important and that I recomend is read before at the class and then ask your questions with you classmates and the teacher opinions. When you finish your class the best way that you can verify your knowledge is applying it in exercise or do your homework. While you practice and analize the situation with the new knowledge, it stays much more time with you and then you discover that the knowledge is permanently.
Finally another way can you catch much better the information of the topics is through that your mind repose and relax the sufficient so I recomend sleep 8 hours every day and clean your mind of garbage information. Because when the people relax their mind, it became faster and catching every moment.


Johana Hernandez said...

The universal underlying goal of all people is be happy. Many persons think the money itself will make them happy, or will guard them against things that will make them unhappy. These people are wrong, because happiness won’t come from gaining a few bills, losing a few pounds, perfect bodies or new possessions. There are many things in life that make you happy, but you never have noticed them. Maybe you can’t be happy all of the time, but you can try it. So, the question is: How to be happy?
Be happy is very simple, but you have been looking for happiness and that is not the way! So stop searching for something that can’t be found and start leaving what you can do to become a happier person! :)
You can start with the most basic thing in the life: Smile! when you smile, whether you feel happy or not, your mood will be elevated, so you must smile all the time! Also, when you smile your smile can spread to others. Happiness is spread ;)
You should be optimistic! No matter what happens, good or bad. You have to find value in negative events. You just need to think something like “I can do it, I’ll do it”, “It’s only temporary, I’m going to overcome” or “Everything in this life has a solution”.
But above all things, you need love. Love yourself, love your lifestyle, your attitude, and love anything that you do. You shouldn’t hold grudges, because when a heart has grudges it can’t keep love inside. Just love all around you!
You must remember that happiness will never be found out there, because it comes from within. Therefore you should try to express gratitude, tell someone that you appreciate him, celebrate small victories, see beauty in the everyday, spend more time with your family and friends, show more affection and savor life’s joys! So start trying some of these activities today and soon you will find your happiness.
So from now on each morning when you open your eyes you say to yourself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it! n__________n

Anonymous said...

Gerardo Silva
How to relieve stress at FACEC?
Who of you haven’t felt stress before an important exam? Just thinking about study and only to aspire a low grade, having to read books per week, and sometimes don’t understanding what the teacher wants to say me; all these are some stress situations that you can find at FACEC. But don’t worry, this is momentary, and in the future will be worth the effort. However if you want to pass a quiet time at FACEC, I will recommend you follow the next steps. First take a deep breath, as an immediate defense against stress. Then I really recommend visualize the end of stress situation, trust me this ever helps. Making fun of your situation and allowing others laugh it, this helps to clear your mind. Besides that, you have to be organized; you can start making a list with all the activities that you have to do. And remember you need to be aware of your choices; you always have a choice. In conclusion, although the road to be hard and the stress will be part of it, we have the choice of relieve the stress with simple actions and therefore have a peaceful and productive time.